Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The writer in us all

"Loving myself as I am" can be transformational in not only how we view ourselves but also the wider cosmos. At the level of the ego self it means letting go of all falsity, the layers we cover ourselves with to present ourselves in the way we choose to our peers and loved ones. It is saying this is who I am in this moment, eccentricities, quirks, issues and all - I accept myself as I am. I no longer need to give my power to others by requiring them to give me attention. I am myself's own source of love and acceptance. The world can no longer pull me with puppet strings made of carrots and sticks. I call back my power. I am whole. Where I am on the path right now is where I am. I act from a space that is centered in this moment, a space filled with loving acceptance. That space fills me and surrounds me. It is my comfort and my safety. My home, my lover. Then the inner eye opens and "Loving myself as I am" becomes the whole world, indeed the cosmos and beyond. All that resides within it, ever existed, ever will exist or indeed may never choose to take form. It is all 'me'.  The fact is I wanted to try every conceivable way to exist. My insatiable curiosity imagined an Iceland and a Hawaii.  I imagined life roaming the desert of the Kalahari and the shop rows of New York. I imagined religious devotion and secular logic. Piety and hedonism. Mystics and playboys. Jewellers and miners. Eight legged beings, green skinned aliens, killer whales and territorial humans. I imagined romance, lives filled with thrill, who done its and flights of fantasy. I am a writer. I am the refraction and reflection of the light of the cosmos. You are too.